Wednesday, April 12, 2006

20 days in Groningen

@~~Wednesday April 12th, 2006~~@

today is the last working day in Thailand, they will have long holiday for Songkran Festival
and.. for me.. it's only 2 days i will stay in this home.. this city..this country
dont want to think .. dont want to talk about it
but.. this is Life.. as Marko said

today my guy took me to visit many small village
i like too see them more than in the big city like Amsterdam
we start to visit ...Roderwolde the nice windmill (Molen) .. but they closed then we just pass
and after that we pass Norg from there we did drive to Zeegse , we stop to see the Hunebed, the stone from there we did drive to the wood on the sand road, we stop to drink coffee overthere and ...we drive to Zuidlaren .. overhere they've the market.. i love also , have many flower , small shop... but we dont buy anything... and we stop to have lunch at Gasteren village , at Pancake house... from there we did drive to Assen , he want to show me the shopping mall at there but they've Carnival .. not easy to find the parking then we go back to Groningen...we stop at Haren .. the Hortus Haren : the biggest botanical Garden of The Netherlands... i can see the memory of beautiful place.. but this time is winter, the flower still sleep then the beauty gone and they will come back again soon

after that... we back to home.. help to make a banoffee pie .. it's still in refrisgerator , tomorrow we will have it.. and we will know how it taste

before we go to have dinner with Dad and Mom, i asked him to take me to shopping at C1000 supermarket.. we bought coffee , ice cream and some

ahhhhh..i love mom cooking , everything she do .. very very yummy
i will rolling back to Thailand .. for sure


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