Monday, April 03, 2006

10 days in Groningen...Part 2

I'm at home.. he said.. our home
i feel... khun kuey (thai word) with this house
not seem i just come here first time..
i told him.. dont see the flower on the way to home
he told me ..however i will see tulip
yaaaahh..i see... at home he had tulip ...
we rest after i keep my lagguage...
talking, kissing, etc.. mmmmmmm after we dont meet in person almost 8 months
he told me.. we will have dinner with his family tonight.. Mom and Dad
mmmm... exciting again almost to run away... need to do that
coz.. I know he's nice guy.. then his family will be very nice also
yes... I dont disappointment... Mom and Dad very very nice person
they kiss me in Dutch Style... even i still feel strange with that
we talking.... eventhough they can speak english a little... same as me
but... my guy translate for us
oh..before go to meet his family
the people at first stair have birthday party for Grandpa (Opa)
then i have gift for him.. they invited us to drink and talking
but.. we need to have dinner with family then cant stay long time

first time, i saw dutch people talking.. i think they almost fighting
but... after learning .. they're not.. they're nice and like to be kidding
i never see mom and dad quarrel .. they like to kidding each other
smiling and laughing all the time
after finished dinner , we back home
i feel sleepy a lot.. then take shower and go to bed... with my guy

@~~Saturday March 26th, 2006~~@

i get up in the morning in my guy'arm ,with his morning kiss
he cooked breakfast for me..
after that.. we go to in the city.. go to the market by bus number 4
this market they've only on Tuesday and Saturday
i think on saturday interesting more than tuesday
he let me taste .. dutch waffle.. mmmmm .. yummy
we go to meet his family'friend. they've fish shop and be nice people
they like to kidding us.. and his friend (Christian) let me taste his cooking
(shrimp with ... dont know what they called).. very delicious
and...Andrew'brother let me taste... Harring .. ahhhhh
before i taste it.. i think i will scary a lot
but... unlucky.. I like .. he he he.. the taste very good
after that, we walk around there.. see the market ,shopping street
we stop for coffee and.. have raining all day
but people still walking like ..nothing happen
after that, we go to VVV (tourist information) to see which place interesting
and we had Italiano Icecream.. i think.. the taste not good , like ice with juice
we back home... waiting the bus number 4 beside Martini Tower
this tower is the third highest in Netherlands
i ever watching from thai travel program ... he went to upstair and look around the city.. very nice
but today , the weather not good, hard wind and raining andddd.. too cold
ok.. the bus come.. and we go

@~~Sunday March 27th, 2006~~@

we went to travel around Groningen...see small and nice village
and visit Pieterburen is “seal mother” Lenie ‘t Hart’s domain
before we back home, we go to visit Menno and his family
they're lovely family

@~~Monday March 28th, 2006~~@

today, we had short trip at supermarket
we went to 2 supermarkets and 1 candy store
and after that we go to visit Oma.. they're look too younger and active people
i cant believe when i know their age, they're lovely and funny ladies
we go to had dinner at mom house. Bram stay overnight at there

@~~Tuesday March 29th, 2006~~@

we go to market again with Bram , Mom and Dad
but..nothing to see too much at the market
Mom bring us to go to shopping
we go to supermarket close the candy store ....again
we had dinner with mom and dad

@~~Wednesday March 30th, 2006~~@

today we go to meet P'Air ,the lady who i know at the Ambassy
she came here with MVV visa and stay with her boyfriend in Den Helder
she're lovely lady , we talking 1-2 hours and then we leave there
coz we will go to Volendam, the old fishing village at the IJsselmeer, where fresh fish is still brought in on a daily basis. Volendam and it's traditional costumes, the small houses with gabled roofs and it's typical Dike. have a beautiful harbour. we had lunch at there... and walking around the village
and then .. we back home.. mom bring Macaroni that she teach me to cooking yesterday for us at home. my guy put in microwave and we have nice dinner

@~~Thursday March 30th, 2006~~@

we went to swimming after we when to Toko , the herb supermarket
we can find the herb from here and Koosangkoosom Magazine also
and when we back from swimming, we went to supermarket again
for dinner,I cooking Khoa Phat Kraphrao ....aarrrkkkkk.... too salt
becoz I use Bacon, i forgot bacon's salt by itself..and i still put the salt in my cooking..then....we eat even it's too salt
my guy said... delicious.... ok.i believe u darling, but i believe myself also

@~~Friday March 31th, 2006~~@

we plan to go to Botanic Garden but i cancle this plan
coz i think no flower this time then nothing interesting
so..dont go out anywhere
we went to have dinner with mom and dad
after dinner , we went to carnival festival again
nothing to do , few people .. then we back home

@~~Saturday April 1st, 2006~~@

today , we go to the market again with dad and mom
still have raining. mom stop to buy some bread
they said.. this bakery store fresh and delicious
we go to say hello with uncle , aunt and Christ but they're very busy
we go walk around the market again dad'friend,
and go to buy some bread from bakery store...
and then we back to the car , go to Dick and Vero house
today, we will be baby sister coz Dick and Very will have party with friend
on the way we stop at supermarket , i want to buy Scone coz i see from their magazine but they dont have.. then we buy candy (again)
we arrive at their house, and playing with Bram
ummmm.. i think Bram use no empty energy coz he dont playing
I sleep for a while and get up to see he still running
and... we face the scary time.... Bram make some polution..
and my guy...he.. aaarrrkkkk.... ha ha ha
he look nervouse a lot... but everything gone by good
Bram can play again.
we back home when Dick and Vero back
on the way, he stop to let me see Summer House
and... he tell me to see "lovely house"... but i cant see darling ...he he he
and we go to supermarket again ..coz I want to cooking soup for dinner
we arrive home and i cooking and we're relax

@~~Sunday April 2nd, 2006~~@

nothing specialy today, we get up normally
and he cooking for us, i clean house a little
and washing clothes
I cooking spicy fried rice for our lunch... aaarkkkkkkk it's too spicy
i dont know why he still eat it. for me, i eat a little and throw it away
i know he want to spoil me.. he said my cooking delicious
i think .. my mom will laughing a lot when she hear that
we just rest at home and go to have dinner with mom and dad
ahhh.. eating a lot also and mom give ice-cream for us.
back home , watching tv and go to sleep

@~~Monday April 3rd, 2006~~@

today, the first day i stay alone at love he go to work
we get up early morning .. he set the clock 5.45 ..
after he go to work, i sleep again and get up about 9.00 am
then cleaning house by vacuum cleaner .. but i think still not clean
i cooking soup macaroni for myself
after breakfast...i try to put the paper on the window.. but ahhh why difficult for me. i saw the worker who repainting the house look at me , he told his coworrker and they're laughing. i think i look funny coz.. i put and take it off and put and take it off many time
huhhh.. not success , i just put small paper
and.. when i look at outside, the weather very nice and sunshine
then i go to walking outside and go to supermarket
ummm .. still cold but nice for walking
on the way, i called to my mom tell her i teach Lucky speak thai
she laughing when she know what i teach
I spend the time at supermarket almost 1.30 hours, very interesting at there.
i buy manythings , yes.. that's for eating and chocolate
when i'm at cashier, she asked me in dutch , i dont understand
but i guess she asked cash or card, then i show money to her
she look at my things.. maybe she think many kids at home
and... i dont forget to bring the bag from home then i dont need to buy the new to keep my things.
i walked to go back home, almost pass our house
and..almost cant go inside house coz... can't open the door.. dont know how to turn on the key.. then i try to turn left, turn right, turn and turn..
ahhh.. finally i can come inside
after arrange the things, i had small lunch , muffin-bread and hot cocoa
nothing to do after that.. then i sitting and writing diary

my guy back from working, he got injury with his leg from work...too bad
but.. he said not serious
then i make coffee and muffin for him.. now he relax with his cartoon and watching tv.
Mom will cooking for us.. normally we will go to have dinner with mom, dad , Dick and Vero and Bram. but today he cant walk to there... then mom will bring for us.. bedankt Mom


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