Monday, April 03, 2006

10 days in Groningen...Part 1

now I'm stay in Groningen , Netherlands for 10 days
on the days that I left my home in Thailand on March 24, 2006
my family and my friends (P'-P' from MBA 11) they send me at the airport
we want to had dinner with the big brother of group (P'Pae) he came back from company visit from Korea then we arrive at the Airport early.
after we find the restaurant that we can sit long time
i told my family back becoz.. i dont want to be sad and crying
i know my mom she will be sad a lot.. but she's stronger lady
she try to be happy and try to make me happy also
after they back.. i drink (mmm not alcohol.. just juice) with Pee-Pee
at midnight, we went to check-in counter .. P'chart go to Security Office to asked them to bring us inside
P'Pae look concern me so much.. he said.. now I'm enjoy and laughing but when on the plane, i will crying a lot.. he talked with Dutch ladies and told them to take care of me.. but.. P'Pae jaaa.. they think u're my father na ka... :D after check-in.. P'Pae and P'Yos back home coz he tired a lot.. thank you for yr kindness ka
P'chart and security guard bring us go inside.. i passed immigration officer
mmmm.. easily mak mak ka.. no need to waiting for queing
when we're inside... ahhhh... let's go to shopping ka
P'Pong, P'Ann, P'Ko enjoy shopping a lot
me and P'Chart just looking.. but P'Chart got 1 perfume
I bought cigaratte for my guy

ok.. It's time for me to go to the Gate 34
Pee-Pee say good bye with me about 2.30 am.
we're sleepy and tired and tomorrow they will go to work
thank you ka Pee-Pee

I work through the x-ray country again
leave bag in the basket.. and then walk pass
trudddddddddd... had some noise..
then they asked me to check on stand
i think becoz of some material from my bra.
ok.. nothing serious.. got my bag and then walk

i found my Gate 34.. waiting till they open
sleepy a lot... and worry about something
why my guy dont call me... then i have many questions in my mind
maybe he forget me, maybe he forget the day, maybe he change his mind,... etc
ok... time to go... check-in counter open
have many farang and asian peoples
i send my passport and boarding pass and immigration for officer
she send my passport and the seat of boarding back to me
walked to the economic class..behind other class
i found my seat.. put my laguage under the seat.. remember next time.. put above coz the seat of EVA too short. i think i'm short lady but the seat still short for me.
waiting and pray for other seat... mmmm the guy with his girlfriend
ok.. still be nice person..not annoy and lucky that I dont sit beside family with baby.. they crying all the route.
I sleep before the airplane take off.. i think becoz of it's time to sleep for me in thailand... not long they serve for meal.
i think this airline not good.. they dont have souvinior for customer and food not nice...
no problem for flighting... smooth till i think I'm not flying now
Captain annouce we will arrive at the airport on time..
exciting again... what will i meet at the airport..
sure.. i will meet my guy.. but how about before that time
ok...landing.. and waiting till they ready to let us out walking.. look at the sign "Arrival"
arkkkkkk.... why walk long way.. i think I lost the way
but.. no... still see the arrival sign.. ok then walk
ok... i see the immigration counter.. almost walk to the first counter
but.. i see their had problem.. with thai girl.. notice from colour of passport
she just mmmm .. i think 18-23 years old and travel alone
maybe she come to visit her boyfriend.... like me
then i go to counter beside.. the officer look friendly more that than counter
he smiling at me when I waiting..
and when he saw my passport.. he said.."Sawasdee Krup"
wow... u can speak Thai.. "a little"he said
and he asked me can speak English..""a little"I said
he asked.. my proposed , how long to stay, my boyfriend waiting me at the airport now... and he said... bye bye
arkkkkk... exciting a lot but I dont worry about that coz i dont do anything wrong and illegal.

Waiting my lagguage...ummmm long long time till i think they're lost
but i've many friends who waiting also
ok..i got mine.. then walk pass custom officer .. they look at me
but i dont have something to declare.. then pass
yessss.....i saw my guy, he waiting me
i can regonize him.. even i told him that Farang look same all
he know I'm too shy if he kiss me at there .. then he just hug me
we walked to car park... ahhh.. long way again
ohhhhhhh... when i pass the door to outside.... it's tooooo cold
till i have smoke from my mouth.. no need to smoking
ok.. now we're on the car.. and he try to find the way to back home
i like to sighseeing even tired a lot and want to sleep more's exciting to see Netherlands on the road with my guy

he drive almost 2.30 hours from Sciphol Airport to Groningen...

Now... I see Groningen... my guy city...


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