Thursday, April 06, 2006

14 days in Groningen

@~~Thursday April 6th,2006~~@

yesterday... we had dinner with Mom and Dad
she teach me how to cook potato
and.. we have puur dutch dinner , they c?lled "......."

today... he can go to work after sick for 2 days...
mmm .. everybody think.. he really sick..
Nooo... i dont think so.. he just want to stay at home and... just want to be naughty
i get up early morning with him.. want to send him go to work by kiss
but... when i lay down on sofa.. nice weather and still no sunshine... then
i sleep again.. get up again when he say good bye.. then hurry up to wear jacket to send him at the door.. say hello with his friend who come to pick him up
aaahhh..i cant sleep anymore .. then cleaning house..dont know we can call cleaning or not becoz still have some dust and then... searching some food recepy from internet and listen thai music till 8.30 i go to take shower coz.. today will go to shopping with Mom
after take shower ... warm toasting that darling prepare for me... with hot cocoa
ok... turn off everything and go to Mom and Dad house
we're go to Summer House first coz dad want to take 2 summer chair for our house
but can take only 1 coz cant fit in the car..
after that.. he send me and Mom at Toko Malati.. i want to buy bai krapraw for cooking for my guy .. and then... time to shopping with mom.. we start to walk and look
she take me to go to cheaper store... wowww.. i dont like shopping but i can't patient to buy something.. then i got piggy bowl for candy in living room and some candy
mom buy candy and cloth for Bram
ohh... Mom buy cloth for kitchen for me (dont know what we call in english).. look lovely a lot .. he he he
and then i stop to buy some bread for him and me (he like this bread)
... we walk till 1 am .. the bus arrive at that time..


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