Wednesday, April 12, 2006

20 days in Groningen

@~~Wednesday April 12th, 2006~~@

today is the last working day in Thailand, they will have long holiday for Songkran Festival
and.. for me.. it's only 2 days i will stay in this home.. this city..this country
dont want to think .. dont want to talk about it
but.. this is Life.. as Marko said

today my guy took me to visit many small village
i like too see them more than in the big city like Amsterdam
we start to visit ...Roderwolde the nice windmill (Molen) .. but they closed then we just pass
and after that we pass Norg from there we did drive to Zeegse , we stop to see the Hunebed, the stone from there we did drive to the wood on the sand road, we stop to drink coffee overthere and ...we drive to Zuidlaren .. overhere they've the market.. i love also , have many flower , small shop... but we dont buy anything... and we stop to have lunch at Gasteren village , at Pancake house... from there we did drive to Assen , he want to show me the shopping mall at there but they've Carnival .. not easy to find the parking then we go back to Groningen...we stop at Haren .. the Hortus Haren : the biggest botanical Garden of The Netherlands... i can see the memory of beautiful place.. but this time is winter, the flower still sleep then the beauty gone and they will come back again soon

after that... we back to home.. help to make a banoffee pie .. it's still in refrisgerator , tomorrow we will have it.. and we will know how it taste

before we go to have dinner with Dad and Mom, i asked him to take me to shopping at C1000 supermarket.. we bought coffee , ice cream and some

ahhhhh..i love mom cooking , everything she do .. very very yummy
i will rolling back to Thailand .. for sure

19 days in Groningen

@~~Tuesday April 11th, 2006~~@

today we went to the Market with Mom , Dad and Bram
but... my guy took me to walk other street.. mmmm.. this street look interesting
not busy , charming and... fantastic

after that.. we walked a lot.. and we went to shopping at Super de Boer , i buy a lot of chocolate for my friends in Thailand.. ohh before we go to shopping , he went to drink at the Pub.. met many people and they know me already

and.. back home, today we cooking Pat Krapraw (again) , Khai Jeaw (fried Eggs) and Pork with Garlic and Pepper ..

today Marko came to visit us... with very beautiful flower.. thanks a lot ka
Marko help my guy for this house .. thanks for yr kindness again
and thanks for other also

18 days in Groningen

@~~Monday April 10th, 2006

today we had long trip... we started at
we went to Delfzijl

during the way to Termunten , we stop to see the ... (old city under the water)

we had nice lunch at the restaurant beside the harbour

after that , we went to Bourtange

and then we went to the small village "Slochteren" the place that Vero and Dikky got married
wowww.. nice place

and then.. we back home..
today we had dinner with Dad , Mom , Dikky , Vero and Bram

17 days in Groningen

@~~Sunday April 9th, 2006~~@

nothing special today... just relax at home
cooking , washing clothes , clean house (a little) , watching tv... just that

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

16 days in Groningen

@~~Saturday April 8th, 2006~~@

yeahh...yeahh... today we will go to Amsterdam

back home .. we cooked maccaroni kee mouw (spicy)

15 days in Groningen

@~~Friday April 7th, 2006~~@

today i went to Lauwersoog with Mom and Dad. there're

dad drive for us.. he show many nice place.. the big dam (dont know what they call , will search later)

and then... we back to the city.. stop at Toko Malati, i want to buy some vegetable to cook for my guy after that. mom took me to shopping. wowwww.. wonderful street.. have many shops and many cheaper shop. i buy piggy blow and some candy. we walk , walk and walk
mom know a lot of shops ... we enjoy a lot.. and took the bus back home

today we had dinner with Mom and Dad

Thursday, April 06, 2006

14 days in Groningen

@~~Thursday April 6th,2006~~@

yesterday... we had dinner with Mom and Dad
she teach me how to cook potato
and.. we have puur dutch dinner , they c?lled "......."

today... he can go to work after sick for 2 days...
mmm .. everybody think.. he really sick..
Nooo... i dont think so.. he just want to stay at home and... just want to be naughty
i get up early morning with him.. want to send him go to work by kiss
but... when i lay down on sofa.. nice weather and still no sunshine... then
i sleep again.. get up again when he say good bye.. then hurry up to wear jacket to send him at the door.. say hello with his friend who come to pick him up
aaahhh..i cant sleep anymore .. then cleaning house..dont know we can call cleaning or not becoz still have some dust and then... searching some food recepy from internet and listen thai music till 8.30 i go to take shower coz.. today will go to shopping with Mom
after take shower ... warm toasting that darling prepare for me... with hot cocoa
ok... turn off everything and go to Mom and Dad house
we're go to Summer House first coz dad want to take 2 summer chair for our house
but can take only 1 coz cant fit in the car..
after that.. he send me and Mom at Toko Malati.. i want to buy bai krapraw for cooking for my guy .. and then... time to shopping with mom.. we start to walk and look
she take me to go to cheaper store... wowww.. i dont like shopping but i can't patient to buy something.. then i got piggy bowl for candy in living room and some candy
mom buy candy and cloth for Bram
ohh... Mom buy cloth for kitchen for me (dont know what we call in english).. look lovely a lot .. he he he
and then i stop to buy some bread for him and me (he like this bread)
... we walk till 1 am .. the bus arrive at that time..

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

13 days in Groningen

@~~Wednesday April 5th, 2006~~@
today we plan to go to mom painting course and musuem
but..I feel sick.. and he need to go to see doctor
then.. i cancle my plan.. sorry ka Mom
in the morning , he went to see the doctor
when he back, i make coffee and toasting for his breakfast
for me... dont want to eat.. still upset
after that... i'm quiet long time.. no talk.. just lay down on sofa
dont want to do anything...
finally.. can't patient.. go to crying in the toilet.. nobody know...
after that..i decided to go out..dont know where i want to go...just..want to go outside..
thinking Mom said... not easy to go back home if i've problem overhere
then..I decide to go outside
get my bag, wear shoes, wear jacket.. told him .. i will go out
then....walk outside
hoooooo...too cold.. and asked myself.. where u want to go
the answer is.. DONT KNOW
then.. just walked.. i walk pass the stadium... see some football player
and some look at me.. maybe they think.. why this stupid lady walk like this
like... she lost the way... ya.. i lost the way.... but the way of love
then..i walk till i saw the church... and across the road
pass candy and C1000 store.. then turn left ... walk along the park
see somepeople take dog to go walking ... see some ducks
and..i sit on the chair to watching people and read my book
ummm... too cold then i decided to back home
when i back home... he said.. he worry about me so much
and... we talked everything
i know.. my feeling now... like the mark on glass
it's depend on.. we will throw this glass and looking for the new
or... we will make the new glass by the same maker

we will go to have dinner with Mom and Dad today

12 days in Groningen

@~~Tuesday April 4th,2006~~@

my guy got injury from work then he cant walk easily
Today we have ice ball or frozen rain (Hagel) (Look Heb in thai na)
i go out to play with it.. but it''s hurt my forehead then .. i just pick some to show my guy.. he laughing coz i never see
i went to the Market with Dad, Mom and Bram
nothing much to do.. just walking and see
mom buy Kip Piri Piri for our dinner and some bread...back home
i forgot to buy flower for our house... will buy soon..if dont forget again
i found something from his computer then made me unhappy and very sad
after i know.. i thinking a lot.. make me headache till want to volmit
as somebody said..dont need to know everything all
but...what should i do after i know
it's bother my mind all the time
i had bad experience with love before.. then i dont want it happen to me again
i dont know.. i can trust the i ever trust some .. long time ago
i ever told myself that.. i can trust this guy... i never worry about lady with him
but... after today... i dont know.. i'm not sure anymore
we sleeping with something in our mind...

Monday, April 03, 2006

10 days in Groningen...Part 2

I'm at home.. he said.. our home
i feel... khun kuey (thai word) with this house
not seem i just come here first time..
i told him.. dont see the flower on the way to home
he told me ..however i will see tulip
yaaaahh..i see... at home he had tulip ...
we rest after i keep my lagguage...
talking, kissing, etc.. mmmmmmm after we dont meet in person almost 8 months
he told me.. we will have dinner with his family tonight.. Mom and Dad
mmmm... exciting again almost to run away... need to do that
coz.. I know he's nice guy.. then his family will be very nice also
yes... I dont disappointment... Mom and Dad very very nice person
they kiss me in Dutch Style... even i still feel strange with that
we talking.... eventhough they can speak english a little... same as me
but... my guy translate for us
oh..before go to meet his family
the people at first stair have birthday party for Grandpa (Opa)
then i have gift for him.. they invited us to drink and talking
but.. we need to have dinner with family then cant stay long time

first time, i saw dutch people talking.. i think they almost fighting
but... after learning .. they're not.. they're nice and like to be kidding
i never see mom and dad quarrel .. they like to kidding each other
smiling and laughing all the time
after finished dinner , we back home
i feel sleepy a lot.. then take shower and go to bed... with my guy

@~~Saturday March 26th, 2006~~@

i get up in the morning in my guy'arm ,with his morning kiss
he cooked breakfast for me..
after that.. we go to in the city.. go to the market by bus number 4
this market they've only on Tuesday and Saturday
i think on saturday interesting more than tuesday
he let me taste .. dutch waffle.. mmmmm .. yummy
we go to meet his family'friend. they've fish shop and be nice people
they like to kidding us.. and his friend (Christian) let me taste his cooking
(shrimp with ... dont know what they called).. very delicious
and...Andrew'brother let me taste... Harring .. ahhhhh
before i taste it.. i think i will scary a lot
but... unlucky.. I like .. he he he.. the taste very good
after that, we walk around there.. see the market ,shopping street
we stop for coffee and.. have raining all day
but people still walking like ..nothing happen
after that, we go to VVV (tourist information) to see which place interesting
and we had Italiano Icecream.. i think.. the taste not good , like ice with juice
we back home... waiting the bus number 4 beside Martini Tower
this tower is the third highest in Netherlands
i ever watching from thai travel program ... he went to upstair and look around the city.. very nice
but today , the weather not good, hard wind and raining andddd.. too cold
ok.. the bus come.. and we go

@~~Sunday March 27th, 2006~~@

we went to travel around Groningen...see small and nice village
and visit Pieterburen is “seal mother” Lenie ‘t Hart’s domain
before we back home, we go to visit Menno and his family
they're lovely family

@~~Monday March 28th, 2006~~@

today, we had short trip at supermarket
we went to 2 supermarkets and 1 candy store
and after that we go to visit Oma.. they're look too younger and active people
i cant believe when i know their age, they're lovely and funny ladies
we go to had dinner at mom house. Bram stay overnight at there

@~~Tuesday March 29th, 2006~~@

we go to market again with Bram , Mom and Dad
but..nothing to see too much at the market
Mom bring us to go to shopping
we go to supermarket close the candy store ....again
we had dinner with mom and dad

@~~Wednesday March 30th, 2006~~@

today we go to meet P'Air ,the lady who i know at the Ambassy
she came here with MVV visa and stay with her boyfriend in Den Helder
she're lovely lady , we talking 1-2 hours and then we leave there
coz we will go to Volendam, the old fishing village at the IJsselmeer, where fresh fish is still brought in on a daily basis. Volendam and it's traditional costumes, the small houses with gabled roofs and it's typical Dike. have a beautiful harbour. we had lunch at there... and walking around the village
and then .. we back home.. mom bring Macaroni that she teach me to cooking yesterday for us at home. my guy put in microwave and we have nice dinner

@~~Thursday March 30th, 2006~~@

we went to swimming after we when to Toko , the herb supermarket
we can find the herb from here and Koosangkoosom Magazine also
and when we back from swimming, we went to supermarket again
for dinner,I cooking Khoa Phat Kraphrao ....aarrrkkkkk.... too salt
becoz I use Bacon, i forgot bacon's salt by itself..and i still put the salt in my cooking..then....we eat even it's too salt
my guy said... delicious.... ok.i believe u darling, but i believe myself also

@~~Friday March 31th, 2006~~@

we plan to go to Botanic Garden but i cancle this plan
coz i think no flower this time then nothing interesting
so..dont go out anywhere
we went to have dinner with mom and dad
after dinner , we went to carnival festival again
nothing to do , few people .. then we back home

@~~Saturday April 1st, 2006~~@

today , we go to the market again with dad and mom
still have raining. mom stop to buy some bread
they said.. this bakery store fresh and delicious
we go to say hello with uncle , aunt and Christ but they're very busy
we go walk around the market again dad'friend,
and go to buy some bread from bakery store...
and then we back to the car , go to Dick and Vero house
today, we will be baby sister coz Dick and Very will have party with friend
on the way we stop at supermarket , i want to buy Scone coz i see from their magazine but they dont have.. then we buy candy (again)
we arrive at their house, and playing with Bram
ummmm.. i think Bram use no empty energy coz he dont playing
I sleep for a while and get up to see he still running
and... we face the scary time.... Bram make some polution..
and my guy...he.. aaarrrkkkk.... ha ha ha
he look nervouse a lot... but everything gone by good
Bram can play again.
we back home when Dick and Vero back
on the way, he stop to let me see Summer House
and... he tell me to see "lovely house"... but i cant see darling ...he he he
and we go to supermarket again ..coz I want to cooking soup for dinner
we arrive home and i cooking and we're relax

@~~Sunday April 2nd, 2006~~@

nothing specialy today, we get up normally
and he cooking for us, i clean house a little
and washing clothes
I cooking spicy fried rice for our lunch... aaarkkkkkkk it's too spicy
i dont know why he still eat it. for me, i eat a little and throw it away
i know he want to spoil me.. he said my cooking delicious
i think .. my mom will laughing a lot when she hear that
we just rest at home and go to have dinner with mom and dad
ahhh.. eating a lot also and mom give ice-cream for us.
back home , watching tv and go to sleep

@~~Monday April 3rd, 2006~~@

today, the first day i stay alone at love he go to work
we get up early morning .. he set the clock 5.45 ..
after he go to work, i sleep again and get up about 9.00 am
then cleaning house by vacuum cleaner .. but i think still not clean
i cooking soup macaroni for myself
after breakfast...i try to put the paper on the window.. but ahhh why difficult for me. i saw the worker who repainting the house look at me , he told his coworrker and they're laughing. i think i look funny coz.. i put and take it off and put and take it off many time
huhhh.. not success , i just put small paper
and.. when i look at outside, the weather very nice and sunshine
then i go to walking outside and go to supermarket
ummm .. still cold but nice for walking
on the way, i called to my mom tell her i teach Lucky speak thai
she laughing when she know what i teach
I spend the time at supermarket almost 1.30 hours, very interesting at there.
i buy manythings , yes.. that's for eating and chocolate
when i'm at cashier, she asked me in dutch , i dont understand
but i guess she asked cash or card, then i show money to her
she look at my things.. maybe she think many kids at home
and... i dont forget to bring the bag from home then i dont need to buy the new to keep my things.
i walked to go back home, almost pass our house
and..almost cant go inside house coz... can't open the door.. dont know how to turn on the key.. then i try to turn left, turn right, turn and turn..
ahhh.. finally i can come inside
after arrange the things, i had small lunch , muffin-bread and hot cocoa
nothing to do after that.. then i sitting and writing diary

my guy back from working, he got injury with his leg from work...too bad
but.. he said not serious
then i make coffee and muffin for him.. now he relax with his cartoon and watching tv.
Mom will cooking for us.. normally we will go to have dinner with mom, dad , Dick and Vero and Bram. but today he cant walk to there... then mom will bring for us.. bedankt Mom

10 days in Groningen...Part 1

now I'm stay in Groningen , Netherlands for 10 days
on the days that I left my home in Thailand on March 24, 2006
my family and my friends (P'-P' from MBA 11) they send me at the airport
we want to had dinner with the big brother of group (P'Pae) he came back from company visit from Korea then we arrive at the Airport early.
after we find the restaurant that we can sit long time
i told my family back becoz.. i dont want to be sad and crying
i know my mom she will be sad a lot.. but she's stronger lady
she try to be happy and try to make me happy also
after they back.. i drink (mmm not alcohol.. just juice) with Pee-Pee
at midnight, we went to check-in counter .. P'chart go to Security Office to asked them to bring us inside
P'Pae look concern me so much.. he said.. now I'm enjoy and laughing but when on the plane, i will crying a lot.. he talked with Dutch ladies and told them to take care of me.. but.. P'Pae jaaa.. they think u're my father na ka... :D after check-in.. P'Pae and P'Yos back home coz he tired a lot.. thank you for yr kindness ka
P'chart and security guard bring us go inside.. i passed immigration officer
mmmm.. easily mak mak ka.. no need to waiting for queing
when we're inside... ahhhh... let's go to shopping ka
P'Pong, P'Ann, P'Ko enjoy shopping a lot
me and P'Chart just looking.. but P'Chart got 1 perfume
I bought cigaratte for my guy

ok.. It's time for me to go to the Gate 34
Pee-Pee say good bye with me about 2.30 am.
we're sleepy and tired and tomorrow they will go to work
thank you ka Pee-Pee

I work through the x-ray country again
leave bag in the basket.. and then walk pass
trudddddddddd... had some noise..
then they asked me to check on stand
i think becoz of some material from my bra.
ok.. nothing serious.. got my bag and then walk

i found my Gate 34.. waiting till they open
sleepy a lot... and worry about something
why my guy dont call me... then i have many questions in my mind
maybe he forget me, maybe he forget the day, maybe he change his mind,... etc
ok... time to go... check-in counter open
have many farang and asian peoples
i send my passport and boarding pass and immigration for officer
she send my passport and the seat of boarding back to me
walked to the economic class..behind other class
i found my seat.. put my laguage under the seat.. remember next time.. put above coz the seat of EVA too short. i think i'm short lady but the seat still short for me.
waiting and pray for other seat... mmmm the guy with his girlfriend
ok.. still be nice person..not annoy and lucky that I dont sit beside family with baby.. they crying all the route.
I sleep before the airplane take off.. i think becoz of it's time to sleep for me in thailand... not long they serve for meal.
i think this airline not good.. they dont have souvinior for customer and food not nice...
no problem for flighting... smooth till i think I'm not flying now
Captain annouce we will arrive at the airport on time..
exciting again... what will i meet at the airport..
sure.. i will meet my guy.. but how about before that time
ok...landing.. and waiting till they ready to let us out walking.. look at the sign "Arrival"
arkkkkkk.... why walk long way.. i think I lost the way
but.. no... still see the arrival sign.. ok then walk
ok... i see the immigration counter.. almost walk to the first counter
but.. i see their had problem.. with thai girl.. notice from colour of passport
she just mmmm .. i think 18-23 years old and travel alone
maybe she come to visit her boyfriend.... like me
then i go to counter beside.. the officer look friendly more that than counter
he smiling at me when I waiting..
and when he saw my passport.. he said.."Sawasdee Krup"
wow... u can speak Thai.. "a little"he said
and he asked me can speak English..""a little"I said
he asked.. my proposed , how long to stay, my boyfriend waiting me at the airport now... and he said... bye bye
arkkkkk... exciting a lot but I dont worry about that coz i dont do anything wrong and illegal.

Waiting my lagguage...ummmm long long time till i think they're lost
but i've many friends who waiting also
ok..i got mine.. then walk pass custom officer .. they look at me
but i dont have something to declare.. then pass
yessss.....i saw my guy, he waiting me
i can regonize him.. even i told him that Farang look same all
he know I'm too shy if he kiss me at there .. then he just hug me
we walked to car park... ahhh.. long way again
ohhhhhhh... when i pass the door to outside.... it's tooooo cold
till i have smoke from my mouth.. no need to smoking
ok.. now we're on the car.. and he try to find the way to back home
i like to sighseeing even tired a lot and want to sleep more's exciting to see Netherlands on the road with my guy

he drive almost 2.30 hours from Sciphol Airport to Groningen...

Now... I see Groningen... my guy city...